Monday, October 24, 2011

Family Ties

When we are children we grow up loving parents,sisters,brothers, grandparents,aunts, uncles and extended family members; however isn't it amazing that these same people we have shared our lives with somehow can become strangers to us... While I believe it's important to grow, find new love and relationships it seems crazy that the ties we knew as children that have bought us from bad times,good times,and into our current lives, are somehow broken as we grow older.  When you look at your self, your life, consider those who loved you when... 

Pray; Lord know who I am and help me to not forget or forgive those who knew me when I could not walk, talk, was sick , cried ,laughed, played with, and help me become who I am today.... 

Thursday, July 7, 2011


As a child I use to get so excited when my parents informed us about intended journeys we would be taking.  I remember wondering how long it would take to get to our destination.  What would we see, who would we meet, how would we get there?  Since my youth I have realized everyday we are on a journey.  Our journeys consist of going to school, graduating, choosing careers, and relationships.  But if you stop and look at each of these journeys in your life, I wonder if we really reviewed our steps.  I mean did you really research the choices made in your life or did you just follow someone or move on without any since of direction.  If you have now come to this crossroad in your life, I urge you to now stop!  Before you move on to the next phase of your life stop, understand clearly even the simplest decision is a journey.  Know that all decisions are journeys and if we chose carefully our journeys, we will come closer to the excitement and peace we seek when on the journey…

Friday, June 24, 2011

“The Real American Crossroad”

“The Real American Crossroad”

            As I watch the wide variety of surreal television shows about “the real” housewives, the real intervention, the millionaire matchmaker, the real cooking show, I keep wondering when a real show representing real people will show up on the scene.  Most of the people I know aren’t driving luxury cars, and fighting at dinner tables of banquet halls.  The real American family fights start in the kitchens of the homes of struggling families who are trying to keep a roof over their heads, their children in schools where teachers aren’t being harassed by bureaucracy, and seeking jobs that will pay more than $10.00 an hour when they have 20 yrs. of experience and a college degree. 
These are the “Real American Families” at a major “Crossroad in Life”. These are the real stories that need to be told.  Let’s follow someone on a job search and see how a human resource director called in a candidate with 15 years of experience and asked them to consider a pay rate of $9.00 to $10.00 an hour and then have them meet with a manager who request the candidate go through a round of hula hooping with the VP of the Department and the CFO, only to be questioned during the process with the loving words of; “you really have a lot of experience, will this job suit you”?  “You know were only paying $10.00 an hr.”
Okay you are now at a “Crossroad”.  Right now you want to say; “Hell no this won’t suit me” I have a degree and 15 yrs. of experience, but the last time I looked my kids, they couldn’t eat air and my mortgage can’t be paid with good intentions. You are so mad that you even went on this interview, your saying to yourself I made more money than this when I was my kids age, but again I say, Stop and think.  Now is the time to remember that this “too will pass”.  Friend, if you get the job take.  If you don’t get the job, say I’m going to keep on pushing.  Either way my friends you will need to remember this most essential point;” this is only for the moment”.  Believe it or not that six figure job was for the moment to, that’s why it’s gone. That job was only for a season and a new season has begun. In order to get pass this Cross Road you will have to plant new seed and as you know when you plant seeds you have to water, you have fertilize, clip some bad leaves, but eventually the plant will grow. Crossroads like this one tear at your soul, they make you want to give up, they make you want to scream and cry.  But friend as they say in the words of one of my favorite movies “Shawshank Redemption”; you’ll need to either “Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying”.  You’re at another Crossroad and dying isn’t an option, so let’s go, get up!  Wipe away those tears, scream, and then hit the internet searching for new seed to plant at your “Crossroad”…

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Life Challenge's

Sometimes you begin the day with hope and promise.  You start your day saying okay today will be better.  Today I will make a conscious effort to put my best foot forward.  But, somehow before you can complete a cup of coffee life changes.  What happened?   Before you turn back, before you give up and say I’ll start the diet tomorrow, I’ll look for the job tomorrow; I’ll take that class tomorrow, Stop!  Remember tomorrow isn’t promised.  Today is the best day for you. You woke up, you started and your age has nothing to do with the circumstances.  It’s just that thing called life.  Take a good long look in the mirror, inhale, exhale and move beyond this Crossroad…